Deep steamed Kikukawa tea was served at the exchange meeting with the German sports boys' club!
7月28日(金)~8月1日(火) ドイツスポーツ少年団の方々が 来日され、菊川市で交流会が行われています。 ウェルカムレセプションでは 深蒸し菊川茶の冷茶が振る舞われました。 また、お茶の淹れ方や手揉みも 体験していただきました! 菊川でしかできない 貴重な体験になったのでは ないでしょうか LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
Dim-sum tea was presented to kindergartens and elementary schools in Kikugawa City.
7月20日(木) 小笠地区の幼保こども園4園と 小中学校4校に 飲み茶が贈呈されました 地元の子どもたちがお茶に親しんでもらうことを 目的として 小笠茶業委員会の方々が行っています。 深蒸し菊川茶をたくさん飲んで 毎日元気に過ごしてもらいたいです
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Japanese tea making was held at Kikugawa Nursery School
7On Tuesday, May 11, 23 elderly children from Kikugawa Nursery School made Japanese tea. Tea leaves are rubbed on a washboard, fermented, dried on a hot plate, and handmade Japanese black tea is completed! The pleasant aroma of tea filled the room. Very delicious Japanese black tea is ready.LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
You can see it in the video! Learning tea!
We have created a material for children's learning "Until deep steamed Kikugawa tea is made"! If you hold the tablet over the QR code described in the document, you can see the process until the aracha is made in the video. In Kikugawa City, there is a tea study in the third grade of elementary school. I hope that the learning of tea unique to Kikugawa City will be more memorable.
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