Hospitality with deep steamed Kikugawa tea
Make the tea you drink every day even more delicious! A lecture on how to brew delicious tea was held.
9月8日(木) 菊川市健康づくり食生活推進協議会 の会員の皆様を対象に 「美味しいお茶の淹れ方講座」 が行われました 深蒸し菊川茶の美味しい淹れ方を より多くの方に広めていただけると 嬉しいです
本日を含め6回開催されます。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
I went to interview Nitto Kogyo Co., Ltd., a support company for "Fukushi Kikugawa Tea".
深蒸し菊川茶応援事業に協力していただいている 菊川市内の電気機器メーカー 日東工業(株)様に本日取材に行ってきました。 深蒸し菊川茶のポスターや卓上プレートをショールームや食堂に掲示して頂き 「深蒸し菊川茶」のPRしていただいています。 生産本部 菊川工場長 鈴木様、総務の方にご対応頂きました。 ありがとうございます。 従業員の皆さまに深蒸し菊川茶をたくさん飲んで頂き、免疫力をつけて、元気に過ごしていただきたいです。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
It is an introduction of sweets using tea of Bake and Cake puff of the bread and western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City.
菊川市のパンと洋菓子店のBake and Cakeぱふさんの 深蒸し菊川茶を使ったお菓子は、緑茶マドレーヌです。 岩沢園さんの緑茶パウダーを使い、生地に練りこみ、 甘さ控えめで、ほんのりお茶の味と風味を感じます♪ 柔らかくて、フワフワした食感でとっても美味しいです(*^-^*) 是非、味わってみてください(^^♪ Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。
It is an introduction of sweets using tea of Patisserie Es, a western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City
Kikukawa tea and white chocolate sabre are sweets made with deep-steamed Kikukawa tea by Patisserie Es, a western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City. Mix the dough with powdered tea to make it taste more adult with fermented butter and rum... it's crisper and deeper than cookies. By baking slowly at low temperatures, the sweetness of the tea is made to stand out. It is coated with white chocolate to finish, and the sweetness of the chocolate and the slight bitterness of the tea go very well ♪ Please try it by all means. Because it is a chocolate product, the sale period is until around May. 【Business Day】 Thursday, Friday, Sometimes Saturday 11:00-16:00 Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
It is an introduction of the menu using tea of restaurant toriyaki bistro Renge in Kikukawa City
Kikukawa's restaurant, Toriyaki Bistro Renge's deep-steamed Kikukawa tea menu is fried yulinci tea flavor.(*^^*) Put the tea leaves in the bottom taste of the chicken and put it in a refreshing seasoning♪ finally sprinkle the tea leaves and it is finished! The tea leaves sprinkled on freshly fried chicken become moist and soft, and the subtle flavor of the tea is fragrant.( *Be Eulalia ') The tea version of Eulinci is not on the menu, so please order "♪ in the tea version"(*^^)v Please try it at the shop! ! Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
It is an introduction of the menu using the tea of the restaurant in Kikukawa City, Yume-no-Ie
The menu using deep-steamed Kikukawa tea from Yume-no-Ie, a restaurant in Kikukawa City, is simmered noodles with brown rice and deep-steamed tea somen. Chahan is a traditional taste of en state district cooked with deep-steamed Kikukawa tea and dashi ★ Deep steamed tea somen simmered noodles are "deep steamed tea somen" using 100% iwasawaen's organic pesticide-free tea leaves, and are noodles with a thick texture. The soup is seasoned with dashi and tea only with salt. The other is Charon Po, a tea version of Xiao long bao that appeared as a new menu the other day♪ Both the ingredients inside and the hot soup have tea, making it a dish with a distinctive tea flavor. Ginger is attached to make the most of the flavor of ♪ hot tea xiao long bao looks delicious.( *Be Eulalia ') By all means, please taste it in the way of the dream(#^^ #) LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
It is an introduction of sweets using tea of Patisserie Miel, a western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City
The sweets made with deep-steamed Kikukawa tea by Patisserie Miel, a western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City, are tea chiffon ♪ using Kikukawa's tea "Z1", the leaves are finely chopped and mixed into the dough. Orange juice that goes well with black tea is added to bring out the aroma of black tea. Miel's chiffon cake is characterized by mixing strong powder.“Fluffy”Not only does it become a bouncy chiffon cake★ it contains plenty of fresh cream inside.( *Be Eulalia ') By all means, please taste it with Miel! !(^^)No Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
It is an introduction of sweets using tea of Poem New Moon, a Japanese and Western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City
The sweets made with tea from Poem Shingyo, a Japanese and Western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City, are tea puddings.!(^^) Soft and smooth with a texture like a mousse with a lot of fresh cream, because it is hardened with a kudzu, nutrition is also good!! The sweetness is also modest and very healthy( *Be Eulalia ') On top of the fresh cream is chocolate with the image of a tea flower.? The other is tofu sweets, and a sponge made with soy milk is sandwiched with white bean paste of tea. The sweetness of the sponge is only honey, and this is also a very healthy ♪ is a moist, gentle sweet treat.(*´ω`) By all means, please try to taste ♪ Language This page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
It is an introduction of sweets using deep steamed Kikukawa tea of Epirado, a Japanese and Western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City
The sweets using deep-steamed Kikukawa tea from Eberado, a Japanese-Western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City, are ocha warabi mochi ★ warabi mochi is flavorful by mixing deep-steamed Kikukawa tea, and there are plenty of matcha and flower powder mixed around it. The aroma of tea spreads softly in the mouth, and it has a smooth texture with a good throat.( *Be Eulalia ') In addition, there are many products using tea such as cool and cold deep steamed tea pudding Daifuku and tea baked doughnuts ♪ Please try it with Mr. Eirado by all means(*^-^*) Tea warabi mochi may not be lined up at the store, so please contact the shop when you visit the store.(*^^)No Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.
It is a product using the tea of patisserie Anbury, a western confectionery shop in Kikukawa City
It is a product using deep steamed Kikukawa tea from Patisserie Anbury, a western confectionery store in Kikukawa City, and the Kikukawa Deep Steamed Japanese Karon introduced earlier has been released at stores. New Kikukawa HojichaWa Karon joined the company(^^)/ You can choose from 5 types of tea intensity, (1) to (5), and hojicha (6) to (7)! Please try to find the thickness of your favorite tea! !(*^^*)♪ Language This page has been translated automatically. Please note that it may differ from the original content.